Homemade Yogurt in the Crock-pot

You really can make yogurt in the crock pot and it is easy to make

Yogurt starter (1/2 cup live/active cultures)
Small mixing bowl
½ gallon of whole milk
2 thick towels

1. Pour ½ gallon of whole milk in to crock-pot and turn on low for 2.5 hours (180o)

2. Turn off and unplug crock-pot and let sit for 3 hrs (110o-120o)
3. In a small mixing bowl take 2 cups of warm milk and yogurt starter and mix. Pour back into crock-pot. (I stir it briefly in the crock-pot to make sure it is mixed but this not necessary)
4. Wrap the crock-pot in 2 thick towels let sit for 8 hrs
                (I wrap one towel under/over and the other around)

5. Enjoy eat with in 7-10 days


I have turned it on high for ½ an hour to start it heating up faster when I forgot to start it in the morning, then to low for 1 hours

Once you get your first batch made can save one cup of yogurt for next batch or you have to purchase a new starter if you forget

Any type of yogurt will work. I use store brand or what I can find on clearance. Unfortunately the fruit does not multiply like the cultures do.

 I have forgotten about it and left it on for more than twice as long and it still turned out.  

I use store brand milk to make mine. To make it more organic you can use organic milk and yogurt.

I like my yogurt cold so I put it in the refrigerator over night

We add fruit to it as we are ready to eat


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