Run 13

It is hot in south Texas. Running in the mornings when it is only 83 seems cool compared to how hot it was tonight. Our eight year old thought he could do the run with me. We tried to warn him that we would be running for five minutes straight. About three houses away he starts falling behind. Right then I should have know he wasn't going to make it very far. No, I want to give him a chance. We get half way through our warm up walk, and it starts. How much further are we going to go. I remind him that we haven't even started our running yet and ask if he wants to turn around and I will drop him by the house. Of course he declines. We continue on our way. He starts holding his side. Trying to get him to take the offer to go by the house again I ask is your side hurting. He is honest and says yes, I just ate to much at dinner. Here is my chance, I ask again. Do you want me to turn around and drop you by the house. No, I want to run with you mom. We are so taking the short loop. I remind him he needs to keep up with me, and slow down so he can catch up real quick.

Time for us to start running. There is an intersection about forty-five seconds into our run. Truck coming. I stop and run in place and he gets to catch up. Here comes the question, How much longer do we have? Honey I'm not sure. My screen is blank when we are running she will tell us when we are done. He struggles but makes it through the running. I give him his water bottle and tell him he needs to drink and keep hydrated. He drops his bottle a few time, then he stops and sits down on the curb. I turn around to go check on him. He says, I'm just tying my shoe. I say okay as I pass by him. He grows concern. Mom are we going back the other way? From here you can see the street corner we live on. I say, No I'm just waiting on you. He finishes tying his shoe, picks up his water and drops it again. I tell him to drink it and give it back to me. DS5 wants his water bottle, so I give it to him. We get to the corner and it is time to start running. I send him up to the house where my wonderful husband is watching the other kiddos. Off I go to finish my run. Here is the run for today:

5 min warm up walk
5 min run
3 min walk
5 min run
3 min walk
5 min warm down walk

I did get my phone to pick up the satellite before I started to run so I have a distance and time :)

2.21 miles in 33m:47s

Just keep running.


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